The Kent Trilogy, consisting of Blackways of Kent (1955), Millways of Kent (1958), and the previously unpublished Townways of Kent, forms a remarkable southern ethnography that maps the social stratification of the Piedmont mill town of York, South Carolina, in the late 1940s, after the effects of the Great Depression and preceding the coming civil rights era. In 1946 the University of North Carolina's Institute for Research in Social Science commissioned a series of southern community studies under the direction of anthropologist John Gillin from which these volumes resulted. This Southern...
The Kent Trilogy, consisting of Blackways of Kent (1955), Millways of Kent (1958), and the previously unpublished Townways of Kent, forms a remarkable...
A social-developmental psychologist and a social anthropologist describe what is known--and what needs to be investigated--concerning the development of race and color concepts in young children. The authors summarize the results of their fifteen-year research and integrate their findings with those of other investigators to provide, in a single source, a much-needed summary of the research literature and a more comprehensive theoretical analysis than has appeared previously.
Originally published in 1976.
A UNC Press Enduring Edition -- UNC Press Enduring Editions use the...
A social-developmental psychologist and a social anthropologist describe what is known--and what needs to be investigated--concerning the development ...