In biology, the very big global and thevery small molecular issues currently appear to be in the limelight ofpublic interest and research funding policies. They are in danger of drifting apart from each other. They apply very coarse and very fine scaling, respectively, but coherence is lost when the various intermediate levels of different scales are neglected. Regarding SALINITY we are clearly dealing with a global problem, which due to progressing salinization of arable land is of vital interest for society. Explanations and basic understanding as well as solutions and remedies may finally...
In biology, the very big global and thevery small molecular issues currently appear to be in the limelight ofpublic interest and research funding poli...
Clusia is the only dicotyledonous tree genus with crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), and in some cases all variants of CAM can be expressed in one given species. These unique features as well as Clusia's extreme flexibility have put it in the limelight of international research. The studies presented in this volume embrace anatomy, morphology and plant architecture, phytogeographical distribution and community ecology, phylogeny and genetic diversity, physiology and metabolism, physiological ecology and functional diversity, circadian rhythmicity and biological timing....
Clusia is the only dicotyledonous tree genus with crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), and in some cases all variants of CAM can be express...
In biology, the very big global and thevery small molecular issues currently appear to be in the limelight ofpublic interest and research funding policies. They are in danger of drifting apart from each other. They apply very coarse and very fine scaling, respectively, but coherence is lost when the various intermediate levels of different scales are neglected. Regarding SALINITY we are clearly dealing with a global problem, which due to progressing salinization of arable land is of vital interest for society. Explanations and basic understanding as well as solutions and remedies may finally...
In biology, the very big global and thevery small molecular issues currently appear to be in the limelight ofpublic interest and research funding poli...
So kompakt wie mglich und so ausfhrlich wie ntig setzt die 1. Auflage des Lttge/Kluge/Thiel einen neuen Standard unter den Botanik-Lehrbchern. Es umfasst die gesamten Pflanzenwissenschaften, von den molekularen Grundlagen bis hin zu den Anwendungen in der Biotechnologie.
So kompakt wie mglich und so ausfhrlich wie ntig setzt die 1. Auflage des Lttge/Kluge/Thiel einen neuen Standard unter den Botanik-Lehrbchern. Es umfa...
Desiccation tolerance was essential when plants first began to conquer land, roughly 400 million years ago. While most desiccation-tolerant plants belong to basal phylogenetic taxa, this capacity has also evolved among some vascular plant species.
In this volume renowned experts treat plant desiccation tolerance at the organismic as well as at the cellular level. The diversity of ecophysiological adaptations and acclimations of cyanobacteria, eukaryotic algae, mosses, and lichens is addressed in several chapters. The particular problems of vascular plants during...
Desiccation tolerance was essential when plants first began to conquer land, roughly 400 million years ago. While most desiccation-tolerant plants ...
With regard to global climate changes, one of our future challenges will be to develop crop plants that cope better with changing environmental conditions. Abiotic stress is estimated to be the primary cause of crop loss worldwide, with the potential to cause a reduction of more than 50% in the average yield of the main crops. Climatic extremes are known to trigger senescence processes. Many different agriculturally important traits are affected by senescence, like number and quality of seeds, timing of seed set, fruit ripening, etc. . Despite the importance of the sen- cence processes, our...
With regard to global climate changes, one of our future challenges will be to develop crop plants that cope better with changing environmental condit...