Modello is the true story from beginning to end of how Dr. Roger Mills and staff accomplished the "miracle" in the Modello and Homestead Gardens Housing Projects, applying the Three Principles/Health Realization approach based on a new spiritual psychology. Through extensive interviews with residents as well as Dr. Mills, his staff and other professionals, a very compelling and moving portrait is painted of how two low-income, inner-city housing projects replete with violence, crack, drug gangs, abuse, welfare dependency and hopelessness were completely turned around within...
Modello is the true story from beginning to end of how Dr. Roger Mills and staff accomplished the "miracle" in the Modello and Homestead Gar...
What if peace of mind, beautiful feelings, little or no stress, wonderful, healthy relationships and greater effectiveness, were right at your fingertips, and you held the key but didn't realize it or didn't know how to use it? That is what "Somebody Should Have Told Us "
This book is about how we all have a state of perfect mental health and wisdom inside us that can only be covered up by our own thinking, and how our use of our power of thought creates the "reality" we see, out of which we then think, feel and act. Here are ten simple but profound truths for living well, arising from...
What if peace of mind, beautiful feelings, little or no stress, wonderful, healthy relationships and greater effectiveness, were right at your fing...