Predicate transformation semantics is the best specification method for the development of correct and well-structured computer programs. This book is a complete account of the predicate transformation calculus semantics of sequential programs, including repetitions, recursive procedures, computational induction, and unbounded nondeterminacy. The author develops their theory to a greater depth than has been achieved before, and describes it in a way that makes it readily compatible with programming methodology. He gives proofs of the programming rules for partial and total correctness of...
Predicate transformation semantics is the best specification method for the development of correct and well-structured computer programs. This book is...
From 1-4 April 1986 a Symposium on Algebraic Groups was held at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, in celebration of the 350th birthday of the University and the 60th of T.A. Springer. Recognized leaders in the field of algebraic groups and related areas gave lectures which covered wide and central areas of mathematics. Though the fourteen papers in this volume are mostly original research contributions, some survey articles are included. Centering on the Symposium subject, such diverse topics are covered as Discrete Subgroups of Lie Groups, Invariant Theory, D-modules, Lie Algebras,...
From 1-4 April 1986 a Symposium on Algebraic Groups was held at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, in celebration of the 350th birthday of th...