Miguel SANCHEZ is a 28 year-old freelance technical translator, young author and part-time photographer. He started writing in early grade school and his passion grew until he found his style and many genres. From Sailor Moon to short novels about addiction and lyrics, he really found his voice with those. Along the way, he dabbled into photography and embraced a new medium for his art that you can discover for instance in Sachet Mixte 5 and in 'When the Tin Man Got a Heart' - Photography by Miguel Sanchez, a monograph showcasing his work., He was born in 1986 and raised in Chatel-Guyon, a...
Miguel SANCHEZ is a 28 year-old freelance technical translator, young author and part-time photographer. He started writing in early grade school and ...
Traditionally, Lorentzian geometry has been used as a necessary tool to understand general relativity, as well as to explore new genuine geometric behaviors, far from classical Riemannian techniques. Recent progress has attracted a renewed interest in this theory for many researchers: long-standing global open problems have been solved, outstanding Lorentzian spaces and groups have been classified, new applications to mathematical relativity and high energy physics have been found, and further connections with other geometries have been developed.
Samples of these fresh...
Traditionally, Lorentzian geometry has been used as a necessary tool to understand general relativity, as well as to explore new genuine geometric ...