Max Brod, a successful novelist, was a boyhood companion of Kafka's and remained closely tied to him until Kafka's death in 1924. He was undoubtedly the one man whom Kafka trusted more than any other, and it is to Brod, as his literary executor and editor, that we are indebted for rescuing and bringing to light Kafka's work. Out of a lifelong devoted friendship, Brod drew this account of Kafka's youth, family and friends, his struggle to recognize himself as a writer, his sickness, and his last days. Franz Kafka gives us not only a more vivid and lifelike picture of Kafka than that...
Max Brod, a successful novelist, was a boyhood companion of Kafka's and remained closely tied to him until Kafka's death in 1924. He was undoubtedly t...
Though best known for his editing and posthumous publication of his friend Franz Kafka's writing, Max Brod was a major novelist in his own right. "Tycho Brahe's Path to God", widely considered his finest work and viewed by many as a small masterpiece, concerns the relationship between the great Danish astronomer and the younger, intellectually superior Johannes Kepler. Brod's representation of this complicated relation grew out of his acquaintance with the young Albert Einstein, reproduces his struggles with the Expressionist poet Franz Werfel, and strangely anticipates the most famous act...
Though best known for his editing and posthumous publication of his friend Franz Kafka's writing, Max Brod was a major novelist in his own right. "Tyc...
From late 1917 until June 1919, Franz Kafka ceased to keep a diary, for which he had used quarto-size notebooks, instead writing in a series of smaller, octavo-size notebooks. When Kafka's literary executor, Max Brod, published the diaries in 1948, he omitted these notebooks--which include short stories, fragments of stories and other literary writings--because, he wrote, -notations of a diary nature, dates, are found in them only as a rare exception.- The Blue Octavo Notebooks have thus remained little known and yet are among the most characteristic and brilliantly gnomic of Kafka's...
From late 1917 until June 1919, Franz Kafka ceased to keep a diary, for which he had used quarto-size notebooks, instead writing in a series of smalle...
Brod und Weltsch charakterisieren ihr Werk als eine Art "Monographie uber verschwommene Vorstellungen." Sie zeigen, dass die von der philosophischen Phanomenologie Franz Brentanos und Husserls aufgestellten Postulate der Evidenz und genauen Beschreibung nur im Bereich der Wissenschaft statthaft sind, ansonsten aber unsere Wahrnehmungswelt von einer Vielzahl von vagen, unbestimmten, verschwommenen Sinnes- und Gedachtniseindrucken bestimmt wird, die eine empirisch arbeitende Psychologie ebenso wie die philosophische Erkenntnistheorie mit einzufangen und ihren Funktionen zu explizieren habe....
Brod und Weltsch charakterisieren ihr Werk als eine Art "Monographie uber verschwommene Vorstellungen." Sie zeigen, dass die von der philosophische...