This book contains contributions to the 172. WE-Heraeus-Seminar Atoms and Molecules in Strong External Fields, which took place April 7 11 1997 at the Phys- zentrum Bad Honnef (Germany). The designation strong fields applies to external static magnetic, and/or electric fields that are sufficiently intense to cause alterations in the atomic or molecular str- ture and dynamics. The specific topics treated are the behavior and properties of atoms in strong static fields, the fundamental aspects and electronic structure of molecules in strong magnetic fields, the dynamics and aspects of chaos in...
This book contains contributions to the 172. WE-Heraeus-Seminar Atoms and Molecules in Strong External Fields, which took place April 7 11 1997 at the...
This book contains contributions to the 172. WE-Heraeus-Seminar Atoms and Molecules in Strong External Fields, which took place April 7 11 1997 at the Phys- zentrum Bad Honnef (Germany). The designation strong fields applies to external static magnetic, and/or electric fields that are sufficiently intense to cause alterations in the atomic or molecular str- ture and dynamics. The specific topics treated are the behavior and properties of atoms in strong static fields, the fundamental aspects and electronic structure of molecules in strong magnetic fields, the dynamics and aspects of chaos in...
This book contains contributions to the 172. WE-Heraeus-Seminar Atoms and Molecules in Strong External Fields, which took place April 7 11 1997 at the...
Der Leser wird mit Recht erwarten, daB ihm die Verfasser zunachst sagen, warum sie dieses Buch geschrieben haben -in einer Zeit, wo die Informa tionsflut tiber aIle Ufer tritt -, und er wird ferner die Frage stell en, wer das Buch lesen kann oder lesen soIl. Nun, der Hergang der Dinge war folgender: Gelegentlich eines unserer regelmaBigen Fachgesprache auBerte ein Kollege, Herr Beitz, Mitverfasser des Buches "Konstruktionslehre," er habe bei seinen Tatigkeiten in der Praxis immer wieder das GefUhl, daB es im Konstruktionsbereich so man chen "weiBen Fleck" im Hinblick auf die zu wahlenden...
Der Leser wird mit Recht erwarten, daB ihm die Verfasser zunachst sagen, warum sie dieses Buch geschrieben haben -in einer Zeit, wo die Informa tionsf...