This superb anthology extends the emphasis on technology that has become such a prominent feature of much recent anthropological work on kinship...In this richly ethnographic text, the most familiar problems produce the most unusual answers...Each chapter brilliantly combines kinship as a matrix with kinship as a tool, using ethnographic examples that leap off the page.Journal of Anthropological Research
Interest in the study of kinship, a key area of anthropological enquiry, has recently reemerged. Dubbed 'the new kinship', this interest was stimulated by the 'new...
This superb anthology extends the emphasis on technology that has become such a prominent feature of much recent anthropological work on kinship......
This volume analyzes the relationships between religion and science as forms of life: ways of engaging human experience that originate in particular social and cultural formations.
This volume analyzes the relationships between religion and science as forms of life: ways of engaging human experience that originate in particular s...