Thisbookisaneditedversionofthelecturesdeliveredduringthe1stAegean SummerSchoolonCosmology, heldonSamosisland, Greece, inSeptember 21-29,2001, andorganizedjointlybytheDepartmentofMathematics, U- versity of the Aegean and the Department of Physics, National Technical UniversityofAthens. Cosmology, thescienceoftheuniverse, standsatthecrossroadsofmany ?eldsofphysicsandmathematicsandpresentsuswithchallengingproblems of many forms. Although there are by now many textbooks discussing the subjectatmanylevels, itistruethatnosinglebookhasthecharacteristics wehadinmindwheneditingthisvolume....
This useful text provides a survey of the current state of research into the physics of neutrinos. It gives a global view of the areas of physics in which neutrinos play important roles, including astrophysics and cosmology.
This useful text provides a survey of the current state of research into the physics of neutrinos. It gives a global view of the areas of physics i...