Advanced Quantum Theory is a concised, comprehensive, well-organized text based on the techniques used in theoretical elementary particle physics and extended to other branches of modern physics as well. While it is especially valuable reading for students and professors of physics, a less cursory survey should aid the nonspecialist in mastering the principles and calculational tools that probe the quantum nature of the fundamental forces. The initial application is to nonrelativistic scattering graphs encountered in atomic, solid state, and nuclear physics. Then, focusing on relativistic...
Advanced Quantum Theory is a concised, comprehensive, well-organized text based on the techniques used in theoretical elementary particle physics and ...
For the past five years, my editor at Springer-Verlag has asked me to write a second edition of this text that would incorporate new material on the quark model. Because this is a subject at the forefront of modern physics, whose central ideas are perpetually in flux, such an addition is not a simple task. Nevertheless, I have tried to discuss quark model topics that should stand the test of time and be of interest to introductory advanced quantum mechanics students as examples of the Feynman diagram technique. I have also tried to eliminate errors made in the first edition. I appreciate the...
For the past five years, my editor at Springer-Verlag has asked me to write a second edition of this text that would incorporate new material on the q...