Powder technology is a rapidly expanding technology and nowhere more than in particle characterization. There has been an explosion of new particle measuring techniques in the past ten year particularly in the field of on-line measurement. One of the main aims of this book is to bring the reader up-to-date with current practices. One important area of interest is the improvements in on-line light scattering instruments and the introduction of ultrasonic on-line devices. Another is the introduction of on-line microscopy, which permits shape analysis in conjunction with particle...
Powder technology is a rapidly expanding technology and nowhere more than in particle characterization. There has been an explosion of new particle me...
You've probably been taught to travel on the religious road all of these years. Now, why not venture down a common sense detour path for just a short time. When you have completed this book, if you still want to continue in your beliefs, that's fine. All you did was read a book that hit your funny bone. But if some of this information has caused you to take a second look at your belief, then the book accomplished what it set out to do, free you from myth and caused you to believe in yourself.
You've probably been taught to travel on the religious road all of these years. Now, why not venture down a common sense detour path for just a short ...