Although considered the best approach to motivation in terms of theoretical soundness for some 25 years, expectancy theory was considered lacking in applications. For the first time this book presents an application model that gives practical value to the expectancy theory of motivation thus enabling managers to use it to improve individual and organizational performance. While other theories of motivation provide a theoretical framework for thinking about and understanding what motivates people in the workplace, the application model presented here for the expectancy theory of motivation...
Although considered the best approach to motivation in terms of theoretical soundness for some 25 years, expectancy theory was considered lacking i...
Faced with the ever increasing difficulty of reaching their targets, sales executives need new ways to improve their organizations' results. Thad Green, consultant, former university professor, and widely recognized authority on motivation and performance in the United States, sees it this way: there are two aspects that sales executives have some control over-- the way their sales force sells, and the way it is managed and motivated. Green draws on his extensive experience to explain how to motivate prospects to buy, how to motivate salespeople to sell, and how to prepare and motivate the...
Faced with the ever increasing difficulty of reaching their targets, sales executives need new ways to improve their organizations' results. Thad G...
Much has been written about communicating within organizations but relatively little on the critical skill of communicating upward. Green and Knippen, experts in employee motivation and performance, show how essential it is to the success of an organization, public or private, for employees to get their ideas up the ladder and into the hands of the top decision-makers. Their book outlines more than 40 specific upward communication needs and offers a structure that will ensure that the movement of ideas upward actually takes place. Unique in that it provides concrete advice for executives,...
Much has been written about communicating within organizations but relatively little on the critical skill of communicating upward. Green and Knipp...
Why does management encounter people problems whenever organizations attempt to change? Green and Butkus say this occurs because organizations overlook one of the most critical problems of change: how employees react it emotionally. Change is not about work processes or information systems alone. It is also about what people believe and feel--emotions such as anger, anxiety, confusion, and fear. Yet managers are usually unaware of these things, and those who are aware usually lack skills to manage these emotions effectively. They tend to rely on traditional incentive systems, which usually...
Why does management encounter people problems whenever organizations attempt to change? Green and Butkus say this occurs because organizations over...