Unexpected adventures await ten-year-old Missy and her twelve-year-old brother when they travel without their parents to the Big Thicket area of Texas in December 1913.
Unexpected adventures await ten-year-old Missy and her twelve-year-old brother when they travel without their parents to the Big Thicket area of Texas...
By the turn of the twentieth century, Beaumont, Texas had acquired a reputation as a rough place. Situated in the oil-soaked chaos of Spindletop, Jefferson County was a hotbed of vice. For decades, gambling and prostitution thrived as elected officials either looked the other way or took money to keep quiet. That is, until 1960 when a swashbuckling young state legislator blew into town and spearheaded an intensive investigation into the rampant vice and governmental corruption that supported it. And, at a time when such things were virtually unheard of, he and his committee played it out on...
By the turn of the twentieth century, Beaumont, Texas had acquired a reputation as a rough place. Situated in the oil-soaked chaos of Spindletop, Jeff...