This essay was inspired by the tragic events of September 11, 2001 in New York City and other strategic places in the United States. The author studies the fictional character created by Miguel de Cervantes in 1605 from a variety of perspectives. He relates "the death of Don Quixote" to the destruction of the famed twin towers, thus arriving at a symbolic interpretation of certain epoch-making events in the history of mankind. Special emphasis is given to imperial politics and the history of communication technology. The term "technological extension" was suggested by the studies of Marshall...
This essay was inspired by the tragic events of September 11, 2001 in New York City and other strategic places in the United States. The author studie...
This essay was inspired by the tragic events of September 11, 2001 in New York City and other strategic places in the United States. The author studies the fictional character created by Miguel de Cervantes in 1605 from a variety of perspectives. He relates "the death of Don Quixote" to the destruction of the famed twin towers, thus arriving at a symbolic interpretation of certain epoch-making events in the history of mankind. Special emphasis is given to imperial politics and the history of communication technology. The term "technological extension" was suggested by the studies of Marshall...
This essay was inspired by the tragic events of September 11, 2001 in New York City and other strategic places in the United States. The author studie...
The land of the Free and Other Poems This collection of poetry, Oyola's second, contains a number of his best patriotic poems. The rest is a medley of poems composed in the last five to ten years. They deal with the most common universal themes: love, life, death, family, eternal, and God. Some have been inspired by ancient myths, such as Odysseus, Poseidon, Proteus, the Golden Age, and others.
The land of the Free and Other Poems This collection of poetry, Oyola's second, contains a number of his best patriotic poems. The rest is a medley of...
The land of the Free and Other Poems This collection of poetry, Oyola's second, contains a number of his best patriotic poems. The rest is a medley of poems composed in the last five to ten years. They deal with the most common universal themes: love, life, death, family, eternal, and God. Some have been inspired by ancient myths, such as Odysseus, Poseidon, Proteus, the Golden Age, and others.
The land of the Free and Other Poems This collection of poetry, Oyola's second, contains a number of his best patriotic poems. The rest is a medley of...
Imagen y palabra: En torno a "El Cristo de Velazquez" es un analisis estilistico e interpretativo del Poema cristologico de Miguel de Unamuno. El poema esta inspirado en el famoso cuadro del pintor espanol Diego Velazquez. Unamuno comienza a componer estos poemas poco despues de haber publicado su magna obra, "Del sentimiento tragico de la vida" (1913). En el poemario el Rector expone todos sus pensamientos y pensamientos en torno a la figura de Cristo. Es un poemario con profundas raices biblicas. A traves de cada poema, escrito en clasicos endecasilabos, el poeta refleja su profunda fe en...
Imagen y palabra: En torno a "El Cristo de Velazquez" es un analisis estilistico e interpretativo del Poema cristologico de Miguel de Unamuno. El poem...