Camille Flammarion (1842-1925) began his career at 16 as a human computer under the great mathematician U. J. J. Le Verrier at the Paris Observatory. He soon tired of the drudgery; he was drawn to more romantic vistas, and at 19 wrote a book on an idea that he was to make his own-the habitability of other worlds. There followed a career as France's greatest popularizer of astronomy, with over 60 titles to his credit. An admirer granted him a chateau at Juvisy-sur-l'Orge, and he set up a first-rate observatory dedicated to the study of the planet Mars. Finally, in 1892, he published his...
Camille Flammarion (1842-1925) began his career at 16 as a human computer under the great mathematician U. J. J. Le Verrier at the Paris Observatory. ...
The Science of Astronomy is sublime and beautiful. Noble, elevating, consoling, divine, it gives us wings, and bears us through Infinitude. In these ethereal regions all is pure, luminous, and splendid. Dreams of the Ideal, even of the Inaccessible, weave their subtle spells upon us. The imagination soars aloft, and aspires to the sources of Eternal Beauty.
The Science of Astronomy is sublime and beautiful. Noble, elevating, consoling, divine, it gives us wings, and bears us through Infinitude. In these e...
... A peine cette orbite et ces ephemerides avaient-elles ete publiees, qu'un savant japonais avait fait une remarque fort curieuse. D'apres le calcul, la comete devait descendre des hauteurs de l'infini vers le Soleil, et venir traverser le plan de: l'ecliptique vers le 20 juillet, en un point peu eloigne de celui ou devait se trouver la Terre a cette epoque. Il serait, disait-il, du plus haut interet, de multiplier les observations et de reprendre le calcul pour decider a quelle distance la comete passera de notre planete et si elle ne viendra pas heurter meme la Terre ou la Lune... C. F."
... A peine cette orbite et ces ephemerides avaient-elles ete publiees, qu'un savant japonais avait fait une remarque fort curieuse. D'apres le calcul...
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable p...