Fictional adaptation of the Budville, NM murders by New Mexico crime historian, Don Bullis. "What Don Bullis has done with this novel is intertwine a very accurate weave of murder, police and politics in New Mexico. Don is the single most knowledgeable writer on New Mexico law enforcement history, practices and personalities. He should be - he's worked for many years in New Mexico state and local policing. Bloodville has the steel on steel ring of unflinching truth told in a style and setting which makes this book difficult to lay aside for silliness such as meals or work. Outstandingly...
Fictional adaptation of the Budville, NM murders by New Mexico crime historian, Don Bullis. "What Don Bullis has done with this novel is intertwine a ...
This compilation of old-time stories illustrates how the Wild West really was during New Mexico's frontier era. In a showdown between folklore and fact, Don Bullis is triumphant. 99 New Mexicans...and a few other folks is a must read for Western history buffs. Bob Alexander, Author/Historian Dangerous Dan Tucker Lawmen, Outlaws and S. O. Bs. And others Read Don Bullis' essays in 99 New Mexicans...and a few other folks and journey back to a time long since forgotten. Don possesses a deep, intrinsic knowledge of New Mexico's history and his prose flows flawlessly to capture the essence and true...
This compilation of old-time stories illustrates how the Wild West really was during New Mexico's frontier era. In a showdown between folklore and fac...