In the age of digital media, superheroes are no longer confined to comic books and graphic novels. Their stories are now featured in films, video games, digital comics, television programs, and more. In a single year alone, films featuring Batman, Spider-Man, and the Avengers have appeared on the big screen. Popular media no longer exists in isolation, but converges into complex multidimensional entities. As a result, traditional ideas about the relationship between varying media have come under striking revision. Although this convergence is apparent in many genres, perhaps nowhere is it...
In the age of digital media, superheroes are no longer confined to comic books and graphic novels. Their stories are now featured in films, video game...
The Federal Reserve Act stipulates that all of the 12 Fed banks "have reserves of gold certificates equal to 40% of Federal Reserve notes in circulation or equal to 35% of their deposits." In 1927 the Fed's original (1913 20-year franchise) was altered to read, perpetuity by the Congressional Act of February 25, 1927 (44 Stat. 1234): "To have succession after February 25, 1927 until dissolved by Act of Congress or until forfeiture of franchise of violation of law,"
The Federal Reserve Act stipulates that all of the 12 Fed banks "have reserves of gold certificates equal to 40% of Federal Reserve notes in circulati...