Vukan Kuic Yves Renee Marie Simon Richard Thompson
The present volume is the product of several years of collaboration at a distance between two people who both knew Yres R. Simon personally and admired his work. The question raised by Simon more than half a century ago, when this book was first published, are still with us: What is the nature of knowledge? What kind of activity is it to know? What is involved in the development of human knowledge? If one had to describe Simon's accomplishment by reducing it to a single point, what he succeeded in showing was that an ontology of knowledge based on common experience disproves all idealism and...
The present volume is the product of several years of collaboration at a distance between two people who both knew Yres R. Simon personally and admire...
This book describes oilfield processing and handling of natural gas in a direct, easy-to-follow format. Process descriptions, design methods, operating procedures and troubleshooting are covered in detail. This hands-on reference will be useful to field practitioners and is an ideal training text. Petroleum engineers will gain a better understanding of surface operations between the wellhead and the point of custody transfer or transport from the production facilities.
This book describes oilfield processing and handling of natural gas in a direct, easy-to-follow format. Process descriptions, design methods, operatin...