Ecotourism is the result of increasing interest amongst consumers in developed countries in exploring the natural world as an alternative to more conventional holidays, along with a desire to reduce the environmental and cultural impact of their activities. It is, therefore, a relatively new sector of the tourism industry. This book is unique in defining, describing and analysing ecotourism in the less developed countries and its effects, in all parts of the world.
The first three chapters set the broader industry context and geographical scope of the book. This is followed by...
Ecotourism is the result of increasing interest amongst consumers in developed countries in exploring the natural world as an alternative to more conv...
The Encyclopedia of Ecotourism provides an expert, state-of-the-art and comprehensive knowledge base of the rapidly growing global ecotourism sector. It is divided into eight major sections, and contains 41 chapters, individually authored by international researchers and practitioners in ecotourism. Each chapter combines theory and practice in a complementary way. The scope of the encyclopedia includes definitions and other contextual material, regional perspectives, venues, impacts, planning and management considerations, and issues associated with ecotourism businesses, research and...
The Encyclopedia of Ecotourism provides an expert, state-of-the-art and comprehensive knowledge base of the rapidly growing global ecotourism s...