Do you shy away from sharing the true gospel message with others, unsure of what to say, afraid of rejection and ridicule?
That's not what Jesus did.
Jesus was not afraid to shake people up. He spoke openly of their sinful nature and the righteousness of God. He forced people to confront their sin head-on, and he brought them face-to-face with their need for salvation.
"The Way of the Master will teach you how to share the message of the gospel simply, biblically, and without fear--the way Jesus did! You will become equipped to confidently lead anyone--friend, family member,...
Do you shy away from sharing the true gospel message with others, unsure of what to say, afraid of rejection and ridicule?
Evangelismo hecho facil. Los animadores del programa de television y radio A la manera del maestro, Kirk Cameron y Ray Comfort, ofrecen esta forma de curriculo simple y flexible para iglesias y grupos pequenos que quieren obedecer el mandato en la Biblia de hablarles a otros de Jesus. Kirk y Ray guian a los participantes paso a paso a traves de su metodo directo de evangelismo, hecho famoso por su galardonado programa. Los que terminan el curso tendran todas las herramientas necesarias para superar su miedo y poder hablar de su fe a vecinos, amigos, companeros de trabajo y aun a extranos....
Evangelismo hecho facil. Los animadores del programa de television y radio A la manera del maestro, Kirk Cameron y Ray Comfort, ofrecen esta forma de ...