With rapid advances in medical technology and progress in medicine during the last 27 years, severe disability or sustained neck-shoulder-arm pain secondary to cervical spondylosis can be detected much earlier. Excellent or good results of surgery can be achieved compared to the past, due mainly to advances in diagnostic imaging and surgical procedure.Through research into cervical spondylotic myelopathy, particularly the conditions combined with a narrow spinal canal, orthopaedic surgeons in Japan have revealed the key mechanism involved in myelopathy and the specific manifestation leading...
With rapid advances in medical technology and progress in medicine during the last 27 years, severe disability or sustained neck-shoulder-arm pain sec...
There are not many biological disciplines, which have experienced such fast development as have human and veterinary mycology in recent years. In the initial stages organisms, whoEe influence on man has not b en determined, have been investigated on a purely academic basis and with particular reference to their taxonomic position. As recently as the thirties, the pathogenic agents of dermatophytoses were known collectively under such names as "Micro sporum" and "Trichophyton." Such designation occurred in most medical and veterinary literature irrespective of the fact that fungi are organisms...
There are not many biological disciplines, which have experienced such fast development as have human and veterinary mycology in recent years. In the ...
Commissioned by the Swiss Federation of Manual Medicine and under the patronage of FIMM (International Federation of Manual Medicine) we conducted an international seminar during the week following the 7th Inter national Congress of FIMM (Zuerich/Switzerland - September 1983). Thirty Manual Medicine experts had come together in the education center of the Cloister Fischingen secluded in the eastern part of Switzerland and away from any city life, to discuss in a week long seminar the status of Man ual Medicine. Working together in the form of several groups, the following points were...
Commissioned by the Swiss Federation of Manual Medicine and under the patronage of FIMM (International Federation of Manual Medicine) we conducted an ...
1m Auftrag der Schweizerischen Arztegesellschaft fUr Manuelle Medizin und unter der Schirmherrschaft der FIMM (Federation Internationales des Medicine Manuelle) haben wir im AnschluB an den 7. Internationalen Kon greB der FIMM in Zurich (September 1983) eine internationale Seminar arbeitswoche durchgefUhrt. 30 manualmedizinische Experten aus 12 Uindern haben wahrend einer Wo che in der Abgeschiedenheit des Bildungszentrums Kloster Fischingen in der Ostschweiz den Stand der manuellen Medizin diskutiert. In Form von Gruppenarbeit wurden folgende Schwerpunkte gesetzt: - Terminologie, - Bewertung...
1m Auftrag der Schweizerischen Arztegesellschaft fUr Manuelle Medizin und unter der Schirmherrschaft der FIMM (Federation Internationales des Medicine...