Basic research, progress in technology and informatics, and the success of clinical pharmacology are the fundamental bases of this interesting field of medicine. Nowadays, critical care medicine is no longer for experts only, but it is a field in which researchers and clinicians, nurses and technical staff work in an interdisciplinary way, each offering their own skills. The volume is divided in six sections, devoted to critical care key issues, to lung diseases, to trauma, to acid-base equilibrium, to perioperative medicine, and to obstetrics.
Basic research, progress in technology and informatics, and the success of clinical pharmacology are the fundamental bases of this interesting field o...
Continuous update in critical care medicine is a real challenge due to the growing dimensions of its contents; these elements are the result of new research acquisitions, and of those clinical situations where the physician is able to intervene at a given moment, with the use of effective prevention techniques. They are also the result of new technologies able to define complex sub-clinical diagnostic aspects; lastly, they are the result of effective therapeutic techniques available, and of treatment strategies able to influence radically and positively the patient's clinical course. Critical...
Continuous update in critical care medicine is a real challenge due to the growing dimensions of its contents; these elements are the result of new re...
L'obiettivo principale di quest'opera e quello di fornire gli elementi piu significativi di aspetti clinici e di problematiche inerenti la medicina perioperatoria, la terapia intensiva e l'emergenza, tutti elementi che costituiscono il nucleo centrale nell'ambito della Medicina per acuti. Il volume e diviso in sette parti, ciascuna delle quali e indipendente dalle altre sebbene un unico filo conduttore venga mantenuto; tale caratteristica e il frutto della fattiva e crescente collaborazione tra diverse Scuole di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione del nostro paese - anche attraverso...
L'obiettivo principale di quest'opera e quello di fornire gli elementi piu significativi di aspetti clinici e di problematiche inerenti la medicina pe...
Le condizioni di sepsi, sepsi grave e shock settico rappresentano i livelli gerarchici della risposta sistemica all'infezione normalmente causata da batteri in grado di determinare una condizione di disfunzione d'organo. Il quadro clinico e le citokine proinfiammatorie sono elementi importanti nella evoluzione della sepsi e l'elevato standard di cure rappresenta un elemento chiave per la sopravvivenza; in particolare il trattamento dell'infezione, la precoce stabilizzazione emodinamica e la terapia immunomodulatrice rappresentano alcuni dei punti cardine del trattamento della sepsi. Questo...
Le condizioni di sepsi, sepsi grave e shock settico rappresentano i livelli gerarchici della risposta sistemica all'infezione normalmente causata d...
In modern medicine the most functional methodologies are taking an increasing importance in spreading informations, rendering it credible while at the same time using reliable data to focus interaction between basic science and clinical medicine. Critical care medicine embraces these needs and more than any other discipline thrives and develops thanks to interdisciplinary contact.
APICE 2004 has been organised to provide precise answers to these issues. In particular, considerable emphasis has been given to the reviews regarding the most important aspects - or the most significant...
In modern medicine the most functional methodologies are taking an increasing importance in spreading informations, rendering it credible while at the...
Continuing medical education and specialty training procedures represent highly dynamical processes, with a continuously evolving content. The specific teaching methods available (micro-teaching, team teaching, mastery learning, simulation, and e-learning) are essential elements of this process to promote professional updating and teaching at the bedside, aimed at providing an excellent clinical practice. The didactic laboratory is the core of this process: teachers, students and the School must be able to integrate in order to encourage this trend, and following this trend, the Trieste...
Continuing medical education and specialty training procedures represent highly dynamical processes, with a continuously evolving content. The spec...
In this book are discussed topics of particular importance to critical care cardiovascular diagnosis and management in the perioperative period. Chapter topics are the causes for heart failure; the pathophysiology of heart failure; coronary heart disease and ischemic preconditioning; hypertensive urgencies and emergencies; diagnosis of heart failure; preoperative cardiac risk assessment; hemodynamic monitoring in patients with heart failure; electrocardiography of heart failure - features and arrhythmias; pharmacologic management for patients with heart failure; devices for management of...
In this book are discussed topics of particular importance to critical care cardiovascular diagnosis and management in the perioperative period. Ch...
Published under the auspices of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive Care Medicine, which consists of 48 members societies, both medical and nursing. It is a world wide organisation whose aim is to promote excellence in the care of critically ill patients.
Published under the auspices of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive Care Medicine, which consists of 48 members societies, both medical and...
Improving standards of care is a real challenge in Intensive Care Medicine. Bettering clinical performance, patient safety, risk management and audit represents the cornerstone for raising the quality of care in ICU patients. Communication is the platform from where to start to reach a consensus in an extremely crowded area, a unique multidisciplinary and multiprofessional environment in which quality of care and, ultimately, patient survival need to be ameliorated.
Improving standards of care is a real challenge in Intensive Care Medicine. Bettering clinical performance, patient safety, risk management and aud...
-This volume commemorates the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists.
-It will be distributed on the occasion of the World Congress of Anaesthesiologists 2004 in Paris, France, where the idea of the establishment of WFSA was created.
-This volume commemorates the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists.