This book presents a challenge to feminist perspectives that see the glass ceiling as the exclusive domain of women's careers and work life. The authors address existing debates and extend them to include original empirical evidence from several US and UK comparative studies that look at the effect of caring for dependents (including care for children and elder care) upon the careers and aspirations of both men and women.
This book presents a challenge to feminist perspectives that see the glass ceiling as the exclusive domain of women's careers and work life. The autho...
The field of Human Resource Development has developed largely through academics, scholars and reflective practitioners from across the world coming together. Many people link memorable keynote speeches to changes in their research, practice, career path or even life view. Good keynote speeches are a forthright statement of the expert's view and thus are often not published. Now that HRD is maturing there is a need to recapture some of those earlier moments -- both as a form of archive, and also to shed light on the path that has been followed. Twenty-one speeches seminal to the field of HRD...
The field of Human Resource Development has developed largely through academics, scholars and reflective practitioners from across the world coming to...