While this book presents the results of comprehensive and cooperative international reseirch, this effort would not have been successful without the assistance of various institutions and personalities. Financial support for the conference was received from the Volkswagen Foundation, Germany, and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) which is gratefully acknowledged. The Deutsche Ralffeisenverband kindly contributed to hosting the international group of researchers in Bonn. For their valuable comments we also thank: Uwe Eiteljorge, Johannes Jutting, Amim Kuhn, Witold-Roger Poganietz,...
While this book presents the results of comprehensive and cooperative international reseirch, this effort would not have been successful without the a...
Tanzania depends exclusively on imports for its oil requirements. The country's dependency on oil imports has made it very vulnerable to increases in world oil prices and local oil demand. For instance, due to the increase in demand and prices the value of the country's oil imports rose from US$ 400.3 million in 2003 to US$ 1.1 billion in 2005. Therefore, it is obvious that the cost of importing oil is a heavy burden for the country's economy. This study is an attempt to contribute towards the knowledge base regarding the feasibility of producing biofuels in the Tanzania so as to reduce the...
Tanzania depends exclusively on imports for its oil requirements. The country's dependency on oil imports has made it very vulnerable to increases in ...
While this book presents the results of comprehensive and cooperative international reseirch, this effort would not have been successful without the assistance of various institutions and personalities. Financial support for the conference was received from the Volkswagen Foundation, Germany, and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) which is gratefully acknowledged. The Deutsche Ralffeisenverband kindly contributed to hosting the international group of researchers in Bonn. For their valuable comments we also thank: Uwe Eiteljorge, Johannes Jutting, Amim Kuhn, Witold-Roger Poganietz,...
While this book presents the results of comprehensive and cooperative international reseirch, this effort would not have been successful without the a...