The urgent need to describe and to solve certain problems connected to extreme phenomena in various areas of applications has been of decisive influence on the vital development of extreme value theory. After the pioneering work of M. Frechet (1927) and of R.A. Fisher and L.R.C. Tippett (1928), who discovered the limiting distributions of extremes, the importance of mathematical concepts of extreme behavior in applications was impressively demonstrated by statisticians like E.J. Gumbel and W. Weibull. The predominant role of applied aspects in that early period may be highlighted by the fact...
The urgent need to describe and to solve certain problems connected to extreme phenomena in various areas of applications has been of decisive influen...
This book is designed as a unified and mathematically rigorous treatment of some recent developments of the asymptotic distribution theory of order statistics (including the extreme order statistics) that are relevant for statistical theory and its applications. Particular emphasis is placed on results concern ing the accuracy oflimit theorems, on higher order approximations, and other approximations in quite a general sense. Contrary to the classical limit theorems that primarily concern the weak convergence of distribution functions, our main results will be formulated in terms of the...
This book is designed as a unified and mathematically rigorous treatment of some recent developments of the asymptotic distribution theory of order st...