For everyone concerned with the technology and application of metals and alloys and with the development of new metallic materials a detailed knowledge of phase equilibria is indispensable. Also, information on the thermodynamical and crystallographical data of the systems under investigation is essential, and often metastable crystalline phases as well as quasicrystalline or amorphous alloys are of interest.
The first volume of this series has been published in 1991. Since then a remarkable progress in the investigation of binary alloys has been achieved, which necessitates a...
For everyone concerned with the technology and application of metals and alloys and with the development of new metallic materials a detailed knowl...
For everyone concerned with the technology and application of metals and alloys and with the development of new metallic materials, a detailed knowledge of phase equilibria is indispensable. Also, information on the thermodynamical and crystallographical data of the systems under investigation is essential, and often metastable crystalline phases as well as quasicrystalline or amorphous alloys are of interest. Vol. IV/5 presents all these data. Because of the large amount available of experimental evidence and thermochemical calculations, a presentation in one volume, as it was...
For everyone concerned with the technology and application of metals and alloys and with the development of new metallic materials, a detailed knowled...
For everyone concerned with the technology and application of metals and alloys and with the development of new metallic materials, a detailed knowledge of phase equilibria is indispensable. Also, information on the thermodynamical and crystallographical data of the systems under investigation is essential, and often metastable crystalline phases as well as quasicrystalline or amorphous alloys are of interest. Vol. IV/5 therefore presents all these data. Because of the large amount available of experimental evidence and thermochemical calculations, a presentation in one volume, as it...
For everyone concerned with the technology and application of metals and alloys and with the development of new metallic materials, a detailed knowled...
For everyone concerned with the technology and application of metals and alloys and with the development of new metallic materials, a detailed knowledge of phase equilibria is indispensable. Also, information on the thermodynamical and crystallographical data of the systems under investigation is essential, and often metastable crystalline phases as well as quasicrystalline or amorphous alloys are of interest. Vol. IV/5 presents all these data. Because of the large amount available of experimental evidence and thermochemical calculations, a presentation in one volume, as it was...
For everyone concerned with the technology and application of metals and alloys and with the development of new metallic materials, a detailed knowled...
For everyone concerned with the technology and application of metals and alloys and with the development of new metallic materials, a detailed knowledge of phase equilibria is indispensable. Also, information on the thermodynamical and crystallographical data of the systems under investigation is essential, and often metastable crystalline phases as well as quasicrystalline or amorphous alloys are of interest. Vol. IV/5 presents all these data. Because of the large amount available of experimental evidence and thermochemical calculations, a presentation in one volume, as it was...
For everyone concerned with the technology and application of metals and alloys and with the development of new metallic materials, a detailed knowled...
Seit 1. W. Gibbs im Jahre 1878 in umfassender Weise die Grundlagen zum Verstlindnis der Gleichgewichte in heterogenen Systemen gelegt hat, sind zahlreiche Biicher iiber Zustandsdiagramme geschrieben worden, teils recht umfangreich und die Phasengleichgewichte formalistisch bis in aIle Einzel heiten behandelnd. Sinn dieses Buches solI eine Einfiihrung in die Handha bung und praktische Nutzung der Zustandsdiagramme sein. In erster Linie ist dabei an Studierende der Chemie, Metallurgie, Mineralogie und der Werk stoffwissenschaften, aber auch an Ingenieure und an aIle stofforientierten und...
Seit 1. W. Gibbs im Jahre 1878 in umfassender Weise die Grundlagen zum Verstlindnis der Gleichgewichte in heterogenen Systemen gelegt hat, sind zahlre...