Take a trip down Memory Lane with 24 enchanting full size designs to color, plus a full set of crafter size 5 x 7's, and bonus coloring pages. (51 total images) ***PLEASE check out the walk through video on the Artist's Author Page (click the blue link below the title).*** Visit Nana and Papa on their lovely farm. Color the Scarecrow in field, the fruits of The Peach Harvest. Color the Farmhouse and the Outhouse, and the clothes on Laundry Day. Color the treasures in the Attic and in The Vintage Bathroom. Color the General Store; and shopping for The Party Dress. Color the sights...
Take a trip down Memory Lane with 24 enchanting full size designs to color, plus a full set of crafter size 5 x 7's, and bonus coloring pages. (51 tot...
Join in the adventures of Little Sister with 24 delightful, full size drawings to color, plus a full set of crafter size 5 x 7's and bonus coloring pages. (53 total images) If you would like to see the video preview of this book, please click on the author name in blue above for the official Amazon author page. Have fun with 'Little Sister' who can be a bit of a princess one moment and a wild, little tomboy the next. Come to a tea party, a birthday party or a meeting of the Crayon Club. Can you hang 'Upside Down' from a tree? Little Sister can, and she loves to ride a 'Carrousel...
Join in the adventures of Little Sister with 24 delightful, full size drawings to color, plus a full set of crafter size 5 x 7's and bonus coloring pa...