Anyone studying literary or classical Arabic beyond the elementary or tourist level will need this book. No other English-language grammar of the Arabic language is as thorough as this classic reference. The work was originally published in German in 1844-45 by Karl Paul Caspari, a theologian and orientalist. In 1859 English scholar W. Wright published this masterly translation of Caspari s work, with numerous additions and corrections. Unlike many more recent grammars, this work contains few inaccuracies or errors. Moreover, although it is a reference grammar, it cites many examples of...
Anyone studying literary or classical Arabic beyond the elementary or tourist level will need this book. No other English-language grammar of the Arab...
William Robertson Smith Robert Alun Jones W. Robertson Smith
In the history of nineteenth-century religious thought, William Robertson Smith occupies an ambiguous position. More than any other writer, he stimulated the theories of religion later advanced by Frazer, Durkheim, and Freud. Smith himself was not an original scholar, but was rather -clever at presenting other men's theories- within new and sometimes hostile contexts. Smith was an important contributor to two of the most serious challenges to Christian orthodoxy of the last century, the -Higher Criticism- of the Bible and the comparative study of religion, and was also the victim of the...
In the history of nineteenth-century religious thought, William Robertson Smith occupies an ambiguous position. More than any other writer, he sti...
Scottish Semiticist and Arabist William Robertson Smith was a celebrated biblical critic, theorist of religion, and theorist of myth. His accomplishments were multiple. Smith's German mentors reconstructed the history of Israelite religion from the Bible itself; Smith ventured outside the Bible to Semitic religion and thereby pioneered the comparative study of religion. Where others viewed religion from the standpoint of the individual, Smith approached religion-at least ancient religion-from the standpoint of the group. He asserted that ancient religion was centrally a matter of practice,...
Scottish Semiticist and Arabist William Robertson Smith was a celebrated biblical critic, theorist of religion, and theorist of myth. His accomplishme...