Most research on intermarriage between Jews and non-Jews focuses on the United States. This volume takes a path-breaking approach, examining countries with smaller Jewish populations so as to better understand countries with larger Jewish populations. It focuses on intermarriage in Great Britain, France, Scandinavia, the Soviet Union, Mexico, Venezuela, Canada, South Africa, Australia, Argentina and Curacao, then applies the findings to the United States.
In earlier centuries such a volume might have yielded much diff erent conclusions. Then Jews lived in more countries,...
Most research on intermarriage between Jews and non-Jews focuses on the United States. This volume takes a path-breaking approach, examining countr...
Le Prix Judaica - Adolphe Neuman 2008 de l Universite de Geneve a ete attribue a cette etude. La population juive d Europe est traditionnellement consideree comme plutot urbaine. A l aube du XIXe siecle, la distribution spatiale de cette minorite est encore singuliere, caracterisee par une dispersion dans de petites et moyennes localites urbaines ou semi-rurales et une forte presence a l Est du continent. Dans la seconde moitie du siecle sa convergence vers les grandes villes s accelere et depasse progressivement la tendance generale. Cette etude vise a comprendre et a mesurer...
Le Prix Judaica - Adolphe Neuman 2008 de l Universite de Geneve a ete attribue a cette etude. La population juive d Europe est traditionnel...