Demands are being placed on the manufacturing and process industries by their customers for better product quality, together with reduced environmental impact. This book presents advanced theoretical achievements in control engineering and demonstrates how they can be applied in industry. It provides design studies and examples in various application sector, placing emphasis throughout on the major challenges in model predictive control, the current method of choice in control engineering. Techniques presented are developed from a solid theoretical framework and include both state space and...
Demands are being placed on the manufacturing and process industries by their customers for better product quality, together with reduced environmenta...
This monograph was motivated by a very successful workshop held before the 3rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control held at the Buena Vista Hotel, lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA. The workshop was held to provide an overview of polynomial system methods in LQG (or H ) and Hoo optimal control and 2 estimation. The speakers at the workshop were chosen to reflect the important contributions polynomial techniques have made to systems theory and also to show the potential benefits which should arise in real applications. An introduction to H2 control theory for continuous-time systems is...
This monograph was motivated by a very successful workshop held before the 3rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control held at the Buena Vista Hotel, ...