Mathematics is the music of science, and real analysis is the Bach of mathematics. There are many other foolish things I could say about the subject of this book, but the foregoing will give the reader an idea of where my heart lies. The present book was written to support a first course in real analysis, normally taken after a year of elementary calculus. Real analysis is, roughly speaking, the modern setting for Calculus, "real" alluding to the field of real numbers that underlies it all. At center stage are functions, defined and taking values in sets of real numbers or in sets (the plane,...
Mathematics is the music of science, and real analysis is the Bach of mathematics. There are many other foolish things I could say about the subject o...
Integration theory and general topology form the core of this textbook for a first-year graduate course in real analysis. After the foundational material in the first chapter (construction of the reals, cardinal and ordinal numbers, Zorn's lemma and transfinite induction), measure, integral and topology are introduced and developed as recurrent themes of increasing depth. The treatment of integration theory is quite complete (including the convergence theorems, product measure, absolute continuity, the Radon-Nikodym theorem, and Lebesgue's theory of differentiation and primitive functions),...
Integration theory and general topology form the core of this textbook for a first-year graduate course in real analysis. After the foundational mater...
This textbook, evolved from lecture notes, requires familiarity with: least upper bound (LUB) and greatest lower bound (GLB), the concept of function, epsilon's and their companion delta's, and basic properties of sequences of real and complex numbers (convergence, Cauchy's criterion, the Weierstrass-Bolzano theorem). It is not presupposed that the reader is acquainted with vector spaces, matrices, or determinants. There are over four hundred exercises.
This textbook, evolved from lecture notes, requires familiarity with: least upper bound (LUB) and greatest lower bound (GLB), the concept of function,...
A systematic exposition of Baer *-Rings, with emphasis on the ring-theoretic and lattice-theoretic foundations of von Neumann algebras. Equivalence of projections, decompositio into types; connections with AW*-algebras, *-regular rings, continuous geometries. Special topics include the theory of finite Baer *-rings (dimension theory, reduction theory, embedding in *-regular rings) and matrix rings over Baer *-rings. Written to be used as a textbook as well as a reference, the book includes more than 400 exercises, accompanied by notes, hints, and references to the literature. Errata and...
A systematic exposition of Baer *-Rings, with emphasis on the ring-theoretic and lattice-theoretic foundations of von Neumann algebras. Equivalence of...
Integrationis the sixth and last of the books that form the core of the Bourbaki series; it draws abundantly on the preceding five Books, especially General Topology and Topological Vector Spaces, making it a culmination of the core six. The power of the tool thus fashioned is strikingly displayed in Chapter II of the author's Theories Spectrales, an exposition, in a mere 38 pages, of abstract harmonic analysis and the structure of locally compact abelian groups.
The first volume of the English translation comprises Chapters 1-6;...
Integrationis the sixth and last of the books that form the core of the Bourbaki series; it draws abundantly on the prec...
Integrationis the sixth and last of the Books that form the core of the Bourbaki series; it draws abundantly on the preceding five Books, especially General Topology and Topological Vector Spaces, making it a culmination of the core six. The power of the tool thus fashioned is strikingly displayed in Chapter II of the author's Theories Spectrales, an exposition, in a mere 38 pages, of abstract harmonic analysis and the structure of locally compact abelian groups.
The present volume comprises Chapters 1-6 in English translation (a...
Integrationis the sixth and last of the Books that form the core of the Bourbaki series; it draws abundantly on the prec...
Mathematics is the music of science, and real analysis is the Bach of mathematics. There are many other foolish things I could say about the subject of this book, but the foregoing will give the reader an idea of where my heart lies. The present book was written to support a first course in real analysis, normally taken after a year of elementary calculus. Real analysis is, roughly speaking, the modern setting for Calculus, "real" alluding to the field of real numbers that underlies it all. At center stage are functions, defined and taking values in sets of real numbers or in sets (the plane,...
Mathematics is the music of science, and real analysis is the Bach of mathematics. There are many other foolish things I could say about the subject o...
A thorough first course in linear algebra, this two-part treatment begins with the basic theory of vector spaces and linear maps, including dimension, determinants, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors. The second section addresses more advanced topics such as the study of canonical forms for matrices. The treatment can be tailored to satisfy the requirements of both introductory and advanced courses. Introductory courses that also serve as an initiation into formal mathematics will focus on the first six chapters. Students already schooled in matrices and linear mappings as well as...
A thorough first course in linear algebra, this two-part treatment begins with the basic theory of vector spaces and linear maps, including dimension,...