The literary story is an art form created in the imagination. Using principles and guidelines, this clearly-written, succinct manual helps authors create structure, and action and drama in their wiritng. And the manual is not just for authors. Readers with no aspirations to write can learn to appreciate the talents of great storytellers.
The literary story is an art form created in the imagination. Using principles and guidelines, this clearly-written, succinct manual helps authors cre...
Literary stories have structure, are created with imagination, and provide meaning and enjoyment for the reader. This book tells how to learn the process of story telling and improve your writing skills to best storytelling potential. Make you stories alive with action and relevation. Create stories that will live on in future generations.
Literary stories have structure, are created with imagination, and provide meaning and enjoyment for the reader. This book tells how to learn the proc...
Facing Grace with Gloria and Other Stories explores mysteries of human desires and the unique ways each of us struggles to fulfill our meaning for existence. Each story is unique in time and setting, every character balancing strengths and weaknesses to succeed, discovering something new about themselves and the paradoxes of their worlds. This collection of short stories includes: "The Gift" "The Stonecutter" "Facing Grace with Gloria Grace" "Homunculus" "Reddog" "Captain Withers's Wife" "The Thirteen Nudes of Ernest Goings" "Crossing Over" "The Activist" "The Perennial Student" "The Curse of...
Facing Grace with Gloria and Other Stories explores mysteries of human desires and the unique ways each of us struggles to fulfill our meaning for exi...
Facing Grace with Gloria and Other Stories explores mysteries of human desires and the unique ways each of us struggles to fulfill our meaning for existence. Each story is unique in time and setting, every character balancing strengths and weaknesses to succeed, discovering something new about themselves and the paradoxes of their worlds. This collection of short stories includes: "The Gift" "The Stonecutter" "Facing Grace with Gloria Grace" "Homunculus" "Reddog" "Captain Withers's Wife" "The Thirteen Nudes of Ernest Goings" "Crossing Over" "The Activist" "The Perennial Student" "The Curse of...
Facing Grace with Gloria and Other Stories explores mysteries of human desires and the unique ways each of us struggles to fulfill our meaning for exi...
Nine short stories about American life, unrequited love, familial distrust, and unfair parental control, and a novella where cultures clash and humans survive with caring and selflessness overcoming the default of violence and destruction. Each story rich with unique characters proving they have the will to survive life's most difficult obstacles, and discover their own capabilities to affect their own destinies.
Nine short stories about American life, unrequited love, familial distrust, and unfair parental control, and a novella where cultures clash and humans...