This volume is a landmark in the development of the of pilot plantations in order to demonstrate the eco halophyte ecology research and development for the logical sustainability and the economic feasibility of saline irrigated production systems. following reasons: This book is intended to provide starting points for 1. The volume brings together contributions from work at several levels of research from physiology many countries from which otherwise little infor through chemistry and practical applications to taxon mation is available in the international literature. omy and floristic...
This volume is a landmark in the development of the of pilot plantations in order to demonstrate the eco halophyte ecology research and development fo...
The Symposium on high salinity tolerant plants, held at the University of Al Ain in December 1990, dealt primarily with plants tolerating salinity levels exceeding that of ocean water and which at the same time are promising for utilization in agriculture or forestry. These plants could be very useful for a country like the UAE where fresh water resources are very scarce and the groundwater available at some places is already very salty. More than 60 million woody trees/shrubs have been planted so far and more are planned for the inland plains underlain with brackish groundwater. ...
The Symposium on high salinity tolerant plants, held at the University of Al Ain in December 1990, dealt primarily with plants tolerating salinity lev...
The destruction of the tropical forests proceeds Nobody at the symposium believed that the rapidly. We all know that this has global ecologi tropical forest area would remain untouched. cal and economical consequences. The problem The population explosion takes care of that argu is of such magnitude that it can only be com ment. The two main problem areas before us are pared to warfare. The destruction of tropical first the wise utilization of that portion of the forests is not only detrimental to the global forest which will be used - especially the intro ecology but also poses a serious...
The destruction of the tropical forests proceeds Nobody at the symposium believed that the rapidly. We all know that this has global ecologi tropical ...
The symposium on high salinity tolerant plants, held at the University of Al Ain in December 1990, dealt primarily with plants tolerating salinity levels exceeding that of ocean water and which at the same time are promising for utilization in agriculture or forestry. The papers of the proceedings of this symposium have been published in two volumes. This volume (1) deals with mangroves and inland high salinity tolerant plants and ecosystems and is divided into the following categories: 1. Vegetation analyses and descriptions of mangroves; 2. Ecosystem analyses; 3. Physiological...
The symposium on high salinity tolerant plants, held at the University of Al Ain in December 1990, dealt primarily with plants tolerating salinity lev...
The period since World War II, and especially the last decade influenced by the International Biological Program, has seen enormous growth in research on the function of ecosystems. The same period has seen an exponential' rise in environmental problems including the capacity of the Earth to support man's population. The concern extends to man's effects on the "biosphere"-the film of living organisms on the Earth's surface that supports man. The common theme of ecologic research and environmental concerns is primary production- the binding of sunlight energy into organic matter by plants that...
The period since World War II, and especially the last decade influenced by the International Biological Program, has seen enormous growth in research...
The pulse of life with the seasons is a classic theme of biology, equally cap- turing every man's curiosity about early and late milestones of every year's cycle and the critical physiologist's inquiry into life's subtle signals and responses. Natural historians of ancient and renaissance time as well as today have charted the commonsense facts behind inspired traditions of poetry and practical rules for growing food and fiber. This volume brings together several ways of organizing the basic principles of phenology. These find order in the otherwise overwhelming mass of detail that captures...
The pulse of life with the seasons is a classic theme of biology, equally cap- turing every man's curiosity about early and late milestones of every y...