This translation is concluded in our Readings in Twentieth Century Philosophy, (N. Y., The Free Press of Glencoe, Inc., 1963). We owe thanks to Professors W. D. Falk and William Hughes for helping us with the translation. We also owe thanks to Professor Herbert Spiegelberg, Dr. Walter Biemel and the Husser Archives at Louvain for checking it and we are especially indebted to Professor Dorion Cairns, many of whose suggestions we incorporated in the final draft. WILLIAM P. ALSTON GEORGE NAKHNIKIAN January 1964 CONTENTS V Preface Introduction IX The train of thoughts in the lectures I Lecture I...
This translation is concluded in our Readings in Twentieth Century Philosophy, (N. Y., The Free Press of Glencoe, Inc., 1963). We owe thanks to Profes...