Providing a basic foundation for advanced graduate study and research in the mechanics of solids, this treatise develops systematically the fundamentals of finite inelastic deformations of heterogeneous materials. The book combines the mathematical precision of solid mechanics with the physics-based micro-structural knowledge of materials science, presenting a coherent picture of finite inelastic deformation of single and polycrystalline metals.
Providing a basic foundation for advanced graduate study and research in the mechanics of solids, this treatise develops systematically the fundamenta...
A central problem in engineering is the deformation of structures. These may be structures made of metal, from concrete or other buildingmaterials,orfrom soilforexample. Generallyspeaking, the engineerrequiresthedeformationofastructuretoberelativelysmall, predictable, tolerable and non-damaging. Professor Jean Mandel devotedalargepartofhisprofessionalcareertostudiesofdeforma- tionandhewassuccessfulinidentifyingprinciplesandproceduresof wideapplicability.Accordingly,itisveryappropriatetobringtogether as we dointhis volume papers by world authorities concerned with...
A central problem in engineering is the deformation of structures. These may be structures made of metal, from concrete or other buildingmaterials,orf...