Three young Norwegians; two of them survive. The story begins during World War II, when Germans were occupying the region. One life is characterised by peace and success, but the other is mired in pain and betrayal. What has happened when their lives once again clash? Who is the traitor? Who is betrayed? And where does espionage fit in? Are Norwegian summers short?
Three young Norwegians; two of them survive. The story begins during World War II, when Germans were occupying the region. One life is characterised b...
A woman attempts to prevent herself from falling in love at sixty years of age, but her ardent admirer is not giving up that easily. The daunting experience of throwing her world upside down is mellowed by applying humor to the situation. Finally, she reasons that nowadays, we will all live to be ninety and people need to fill the final decades of their lives with fun and passion. As always, love wins the day, and a partnership between two hitherto stubborn and rather selfish people is formed, whereby new and exciting experiences are shared. However, Yvonne Taylor's advice to others of her...
A woman attempts to prevent herself from falling in love at sixty years of age, but her ardent admirer is not giving up that easily. The daunting expe...
The story is intended for 3 to 6 year-olds. A small girl has a dream about a little pink train full of playful fairies and gnomes. She awakes, but the dream continues in the form of her grandmother visiting her and bringing a little pink train as a present.
The story is intended for 3 to 6 year-olds. A small girl has a dream about a little pink train full of playful fairies and gnomes. She awakes, but the...
Liah Mathis was a devoted wife, mother of five, and well-respected Psychologist. Unexpectedly, her life was turned upside-down when her husband of 25 years, Brannon Mathis, abandoned her and their children after finding out she was pregnant again- in spite of his vasectomy. Brannon left with the better part of their joint account and none of the responsibility. Despite her hardships, Liah kept her hand in God's and triumphed through her trials. Keeping faith, she changed her career in order to accommodate her new life as a single working mom. Years later on a Saturday evening, the handsome...
Liah Mathis was a devoted wife, mother of five, and well-respected Psychologist. Unexpectedly, her life was turned upside-down when her husband of 25 ...