"Laura on Life: Corn Dogs & Dust Bunnies" is a collection of Laura Snyder's most hilarious work including additional personal anecdotes flavored with her signature style.
Her writing will make you laugh out loud as you recognize your own life through Laura's eyes.
"Laura on Life: Corn Dogs & Dust Bunnies" is about the reality of family life in all its chaotic glory. It's about all the funny, quirky things that happen and all too often go unnoticed because of the tensions and responsibilities that are also realities in the twenty-first century.
Besides being an author, Ms. Snyder...
"Laura on Life: Corn Dogs & Dust Bunnies" is a collection of Laura Snyder's most hilarious work including additional personal anecdotes flavored with ...
We live in a law-thick world. For individuals and organizations in both the public and private sectors, navigating the large number of complex laws, rules, institutions, and procedures that pervade American life is virtually impossible without some assistance. Some argue that "there are too many lawyers." Others argue that the unmet need for legal services is so high that it constitutes a human rights crisis. This book exposes why it is easy to access legal services for some, while it is virtually impossible for others, and why some lawyers have successful careers, but others cannot. This...
We live in a law-thick world. For individuals and organizations in both the public and private sectors, navigating the large number of complex laws, r...
Most people understand that regulations have a direct bearing on their access to things such as clean air and water and safe working environments. However, in the United States, few people make the connection between how legal services are regulated and how difficult it is for them to access legal services. Indeed, on the question of affordable and accessible civil justice, the World Justice Project ranks the US 94th out of 113 countries, behind Albania, Belarus, Myanmar, and Russia. For decades academics and others have debated whether the legal profession is self-regulated and, if it is,...
Most people understand that regulations have a direct bearing on their access to things such as clean air and water and safe working environments. How...
This book responds to the common objections to alternative business structures, describes the opportunities that such structures offer, exposes how lawyer self-regulation operates to obstruct the modernization of legal services, and includes interviews with persons who have experience with alternative legal service providers in other countries.
This book responds to the common objections to alternative business structures, describes the opportunities that such structures offer, exposes how la...