This handbook gives readers a close look at the entire technology of printing very high resolution and high density integrated circuit (IC) patterns into thin resist process transfer coatings-- including optical lithography, electron beam, ion beam, and x-ray lithography. The book's main theme is the special printing process needed to achieve volume high density IC chip production, especially in the Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) industry.
The book leads off with a comparison of various lithography methods, covering the three major patterning parameters of line/space, resolution,...
This handbook gives readers a close look at the entire technology of printing very high resolution and high density integrated circuit (IC) patterns i...
This handbook gives readers a close look at the entire technology of printing very high resolution and high density integrated circuit (IC) patterns into thin resist process transfer coatingsuincluding optical lithography, electron beam, ion beam, and x-ray lithography. The book's main theme is the special printing process needed to achieve volume high density IC chip production, especially in the Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) industry. The book leads off with a comparison of various lithography methods, covering the three major patterning parameters of line/space, resolution, line edge...
This handbook gives readers a close look at the entire technology of printing very high resolution and high density integrated circuit (IC) patterns i...