Robert J. McCaffrey Kevin Duff Holly James Westervelt
While conducting research on intellectual and neuropsychological perfonnance of various patient populations across time, we became aware of the lack of information concerning practice effects associated with many widely used assessment instruments. Although test-retest data were available for almost all of these instruments, it typically came in the form of correlation coefficients and mean changes in performance between assessments was often absent. In a 1995 article (McCaffrey & Westervelt, 1995), we discussed a number of issues relevant to serial neuropsychological and intellectual...
While conducting research on intellectual and neuropsychological perfonnance of various patient populations across time, we became aware of the lack o...
SUMMARY Meehl and Rosen (1955) Wrst demonstrated the importance of base rates in psychologicalassessmentnearlyWvedecadesago. Theseauthorsstated, ''Thechief reasonforourignoranceofthebaseratesisnothingmoresubtlethanourfailureto computethem''(pg. 213). Researcherscontinuetoreportthatbaseratesarestill largelybeingignored(Duncan&Snow,1987;Gouvier, Hayes,&Smiroldo,1998). It isbecauseofthisgapintheliteraturethatthecurrentbookPractitioner'sGuideto SymptomBaseRatesintheGeneralPopulationandthepreviousbookPractitioner's GuidetoSymptomBaseRatesinClinicalNeuropsychology(McCaVreyetal. 2003) werecreated....
SUMMARY Meehl and Rosen (1955) Wrst demonstrated the importance of base rates in psychologicalassessmentnearlyWvedecadesago. Theseauthorsstated, ''The...
The Practice of Forensic Neuropsychology focuses the awareness of neuropsychologists on the critical areas of forensic practice that should be considered during each phase of a scientific neuropsychological examination/investigation. Written by three eminent neuropsychologists and a seasoned attorney, this important book contains practical information and guidelines for conducting valid and reliable forensic neuropsychological examinations that aid the 'trier-of-fact' in both civil and criminal settings. The authors also include vital information to help attorneys evaluate...
The Practice of Forensic Neuropsychology focuses the awareness of neuropsychologists on the critical areas of forensic practice that ...
The Practice of Forensic Neuropsychology focuses the awareness of neuropsychologists on the critical areas of forensic practice that should be considered during each phase of a scientific neuropsychological examination/investigation. Written by three eminent neuropsychologists and a seasoned attorney, this important book contains practical information and guidelines for conducting valid and reliable forensic neuropsychological examinations that aid the 'trier-of-fact' in both civil and criminal settings. The authors also include vital information to help attorneys evaluate...
The Practice of Forensic Neuropsychology focuses the awareness of neuropsychologists on the critical areas of forensic practice that ...
Robert J. McCaffrey Holly James Westervelt Kevin Duff
The impetus for this volume began with our research in the 1980's involving serial neuropsychological evaluation with various patient populations. At that time, reports on the practice effects associated with routinely utilized clinical neuropsychological instruments were sparse. While test-retest data were available for almost all assessment instruments, this was usually in the form of correlation coefficients and not changes in mean performance between or across assessment periods (see McCaffrey & Westervelt, 1995 for a detailed discussion of these and related issues). Clinical...
The impetus for this volume began with our research in the 1980's involving serial neuropsychological evaluation with various patient populations. At ...
Robert J. McCaffrey Kevin Duff Holly James Westervelt
The impetus for this volume began with our research in the 1980's involving serial neuropsychological evaluation with various patient populations. At that time, reports on the practice effects associated with routinely utilized clinical neuropsychological instruments were sparse. While test-retest data were available for almost all assessment instruments, this was usually in the form of correlation coefficients and not changes in mean performance between or across assessment periods (see McCaffrey & Westervelt, 1995 for a detailed discussion of these and related issues). Clinical...
The impetus for this volume began with our research in the 1980's involving serial neuropsychological evaluation with various patient populations. At ...
The growth of clinical neuropsychology has been unprecedented. This growth has been oriented more toward the provision of than toward the foundation for services. Thus, while a greater number of psychologists are performing a greater number of neuropsychological procedures, there seems to us an uneven parallel growth between these services and the empirical foundations for them. It should come to no one's surprise that increasingly aggressive attacks on the field have been leveled. Despite these attacks, clinical neuropsychology con tinues to enjoy exceptional growth within psychology and...
The growth of clinical neuropsychology has been unprecedented. This growth has been oriented more toward the provision of than toward the foundation f...
The growth of clinical neuropsychology has been unprecedented. This growth has been oriented more toward the provision of than toward the foundation for services. Thus, while a greater number of psychologists are performing a greater number of neuropsychological procedures, there seems to us an uneven parallel growth between these services and the empirical foundations for them. It should come to no one's surprise that increasingly aggressive attacks on the field have been leveled. Despite these attacks, clinical neuropsychology con- tinues to enjoy exceptional growth within psychology and...
The growth of clinical neuropsychology has been unprecedented. This growth has been oriented more toward the provision of than toward the foundation f...