La Prise d'Alixandre (The Taking of Alexandria) is the crowning masterwork of Machaut's literary career. Based on his extensive discussion with returning crusaders, the poet recounts King Peter I of Cyprus's successful attack and capture of the Egyptian city of Alexandria in 1365. This volume features a full discussion of Machaut's life and career, and a historical commentary.
La Prise d'Alixandre (The Taking of Alexandria) is the crowning masterwork of Machaut's literary career. Based on his extensive discussion with return...
Guillaume de Machaut, the most important poet and musician of fourteenth-century France, had considerable influence on subsequent generations of writers in both France and England. With this scholarly translation, Minnette Gaudet and Constance B. Hieatt made his long-neglected narrative poem, the Dit de l'alerion - a treatise on love and falconry - available to students of medieval literature. In the poem, Machaut defines the problems and pleasures of courtly love by comparing them to those of falconry, a sport which modern readers know little about. The introduction and...
Guillaume de Machaut, the most important poet and musician of fourteenth-century France, had considerable influence on subsequent generations of wr...