The XXXIII Conference of the American Italian Historical Asso-ciation was held in Lowell Massachusetts, where Greek immi-grants settled at the turn of the century and established a vibrant community. Italians from Calabria, Naples and Sicily soon followed. Throughout the years the two ethnic groups collaborated in many cultural activities, among which the Lowell Opera Company, under the directorship of Vito Selvaggio, originally from "Magna Graecia" in Italy, became a community leader in the cultural life of Lowell. Selvaggio, with his directorship of The Lowell Opera Company, provided a...
The XXXIII Conference of the American Italian Historical Asso-ciation was held in Lowell Massachusetts, where Greek immi-grants settled at the turn of...
The XXXIII Conference of the American Italian Historical Asso-ciation was held in Lowell Massachusetts, where Greek immi-grants settled at the turn of the century and established a vibrant community. Italians from Calabria, Naples and Sicily soon followed. Throughout the years the two ethnic groups collaborated in many cultural activities, among which the Lowell Opera Company, under the directorship of Vito Selvaggio, originally from "Magna Graecia" in Italy, became a community leader in the cultural life of Lowell. Selvaggio, with his directorship of The Lowell Opera Company, provided a...
The XXXIII Conference of the American Italian Historical Asso-ciation was held in Lowell Massachusetts, where Greek immi-grants settled at the turn of...
Poet, novelist, dramatist, essayist, Rosario Castellanos (1925-1974) is one of Spanish America's most distinguished and multifaceted writers. Remembering Rosario provides an intimate glimpse into the life and works of this intensely Mexican writer whose universality speaks to the minds and hearts of readers everywhere. In addition to previously unpublished and untranslated poetry, the volume contains an introductory essay, the author's preface to the English edition, a foreword by Edward D. Terry, a memorial poem by Jaime Sabines, and an extensive bibliography of Castellanos criticism.
Poet, novelist, dramatist, essayist, Rosario Castellanos (1925-1974) is one of Spanish America's most distinguished and multifaceted writers. Remember...