Love in all its cultural and personal complexity is the focus of this book. While scholars of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century homoerotic culture have tended to focus on sexual behavior and the much-maligned figure of the sodomite, George E. Haggerty argues that the concepts of love and emotional intimacy offer a more useful perspective for understanding male-male relations of the time.
Haggerty considers male "identities" of many kinds: heroic friends, as found in seventeenth-century French romance and Restoration tragedy, and personal friends, as in the erotic relationships of Gray,...
Love in all its cultural and personal complexity is the focus of this book. While scholars of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century homoerotic culture h...
Because gothic fiction was the one semi-respectable genre that regularly explored sexual and social transgressions during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, George E. Haggerty's Queer Gothic argues that it makes sense to consider the ways in which gothic fiction itself helped to shape thinking about sexual matters, create the darker shadows of the dominant fiction, and jump-start the age of sexology. Haggerty examines a variety of issues, including the ways in which gothic fiction centers on loss as the foreclosure of homoerotic possibility, the uses to which same-sex desire can be put...
Because gothic fiction was the one semi-respectable genre that regularly explored sexual and social transgressions during the eighteenth and nineteent...
This work offers a new perspective on Gothic fiction and reassesses its place in literary history. After defining his concept of "affective form" and summarizing the problematic assumptions behind recent critical approaches to the Gothic, George Haggerty introduces a startling theoretical discussion of the Gothic Tale, and he explains in what ways the tale, as a form with identifiable affective properties, is ideally suited to Gothic concerns. Having established a direct relation between this study and recent discussions of narratology and generic identity, Haggerty develops his argument...
This work offers a new perspective on Gothic fiction and reassesses its place in literary history. After defining his concept of "affective form" a...
Volume two of this two volume set focuses on gay history and culture. Beginning in 1869, when the study of homosexuality was said to have begun with the establishment of sexology, this encyclopedia offers accounts of international developments in an area that now occupies a critical place in many fields of academic endeavours. Intended as a reference for students and scholars in many fields, as well as the general public, the encyclopedia is written in user-friendly language. At the same time it seeks to maintain a level of scholarship that incorporates passion and objectivity.
Volume two of this two volume set focuses on gay history and culture. Beginning in 1869, when the study of homosexuality was said to have begun with t...
A Companion to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies is the first single volume survey of current discussions taking place in this rapidly developing area of study.
Recognizing the multidisciplinary nature of the field, the editors gather new essays by an international team of established and emerging scholars
Addresses the politics, economics, history, and cultural impact of sexuality
Engages the future of queer studies by asking what sexuality stands for, what work it does, and how it continues to structure discussions in various academic...
A Companion to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies is the first single volume survey of current discussions taking place in ...