An illustrated Christmas tale for family storytime...He seems like such a quiet, ordinary Christmas tree - but when the Hurley family takes him home, something wonderful happens.Maybe it's the decorations (handmade by the way), or the beaming smiles of the kids, or his proud happy name - Engelmann?Who knows?Engelmann becomes the center of the family's holiday season, among the gifts and the songs and the happiest of times.But if Christmas doesn't last, why would Christmas trees?Uh oh.
An illustrated Christmas tale for family storytime...He seems like such a quiet, ordinary Christmas tree - but when the Hurle...
He seems like such a quiet, ordinary Christmas tree - but when the Hurley family takes him home, something wonderful happens.
Maybe it's the decorations (handmade by the way), or the beaming smiles of the kids, or his proud, happy name - Engelmann?
Who knows?
Follow this special Christmas Spruce from the forest to the Hurley home and beyond.
Engelmann beomes the center of the family's holiday season, among the gifts and the songs and the happiest of times.
Christmas with Engelmann is great, but what's a young tree to do when it's all over and the kids go...
Maybe it's the...
A light-hearted kid's guide to dog ownership. Good information and thought provoking questions address a kid's journey to successful dog ownership.
Parents will appreciate the issues addressed in a warm, affectionate way. Beautifully illustrated with many photographs.
A light-hearted kid's guide to dog ownership. Good information and thought provoking questions address a kid's journey to successful dog ownership....
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