No progress towards sustainable development is possible without the participation of informed and aware citizens and decision-makers. This book examines a dynamic sector - energy - and a space - city - that are critical for sustainability. Urban energy systems are capital intensive and have long lives. Immediate change is difficult, but innovation is crucial for progress toward more intelligent systems. Here is an informative guide for decision makers and citizens alike.
No progress towards sustainable development is possible without the participation of informed and aware citizens and decision-makers. This book exa...
At the dawn of the third millennium, planet Earth entered a zone of turbulence. The 2008 crisis added economic uncertainty to the threat of global warming and extreme events such as droughts, floods and cyclones, the persisting crisis of p- erty and the spectrum of pandemics and terrorism. Against this global landscape in an era of fragility, cities, already sheltering more than half of humankind, appear as Janus-faced realities, the best and worst of places, vulnerable but still full of hope and will to overcome the crisis of societal values and progress in the path of susta- able...
At the dawn of the third millennium, planet Earth entered a zone of turbulence. The 2008 crisis added economic uncertainty to the threat of global war...
Thisbook can be seen as the third part of an unofficial trilogy on Sustainable Cities of the Future with the author's previous books 'Sustainable Development, Energy and the City' and 'Sustainable Cities for the third millennium: The Odyssey of urban excellence', both prefaced by Prof. Sir Peter Hall. All three booksfollow the evolving forefront of innovations towards Sustainable Cities. They collectively try to respond to the questions: What future cities wish to build (with their scarcities and capacities) on a finite planet? What do-they do to achieve this? How do-they contribute to...
Thisbook can be seen as the third part of an unofficial trilogy on Sustainable Cities of the Future with the author's previous books 'Sustainable Deve...
A l'aube du troisiA]me millA(c)naire, la planA]te Terre est entrA(c)e dans une zone de turbulences. La crise financiA]re de 2008 a ajoutA(c) l'incertitude A(c)conomique A la menace du rA(c)chauffement climatique. Dans ce paysage global fragile, les villes, abritant dA(c)jA plus que la moitiA(c) de l'humanitA(c), concentrent tous les espoirs pour surmonter la crise des valeurs sociales et marquer des progrA]s dA(c)terminants vers le dA(c)veloppement durable. Ce livre adresse les dA(c)fis les plus critiques pour les villes, des A(c)cosystA]mes humains riches de leur extraordinaire diversitA(c)....
A l'aube du troisiA]me millA(c)naire, la planA]te Terre est entrA(c)e dans une zone de turbulences. La crise financiA]re de 2008 a ajoutA(c) l'incerti...
In the age of urban geopolitics, in cooperation with the major city networks and initiatives, interconnected coastal cities lead towards a more resilient sustainable future. This book raises global awareness on the challenges and opportunities for coastal cities and the myriad of issues and stakeholders which impact them.
The book offers a panoramic integrated view of the most critical urban coastal sustainability issues shaping the urban horizon of the future. Drawing on the most authoritative studies and asking further questions, the book embraces issues of smart, sustainable and...
In the age of urban geopolitics, in cooperation with the major city networks and initiatives, interconnected coastal cities lead towards a more res...
This book can be seen as the third part of an unofficial trilogy on Sustainable Cities of the Future with the author's previous books 'Sustainable Development, Energy and the City' and 'Sustainable Cities for the third millennium: The Odyssey of urban excellence', both prefaced by Prof. Sir Peter Hall. All three books follow the evolving forefront of innovations towards Sustainable Cities. They collectively try to respond to the questions: What future cities wish to build (with their scarcities and capacities) on a finite planet? What do-they do to achieve this? How do-they...
This book can be seen as the third part of an unofficial trilogy on Sustainable Cities of the Future with the author's previous books '...