Cet ouvrage reunit vingt-deux articles, portant sur la linguistique du verbe (morphologie, syntaxe, semantique, pragmatique), mais aussi sur des questions de typologie des langues, de prosodie et d analyse de discours. Des specialistes reconnus de ces differents domaines ont ainsi souhaite rendre hommage au Professeur Jacques Francois, dont les recherches ont couvert un large perimetre et ont contribue activement au developpement de la science linguistique au cours de ces vingt-cinq dernieres annees."
Cet ouvrage reunit vingt-deux articles, portant sur la linguistique du verbe (morphologie, syntaxe, semantique, pragmatique), mais aussi sur des quest...
The Romanistische Arbeitshefte (Romance Studies Workbooks), edited by Georgia Veldre-Gerner and Volker Noll since 2004, have been constant and reliable companions for studentsof Romance Studies for over forty years. In their conception, they are designed as a reflection of the present state of research with an orientation towards application andthespecificneeds and difficulties of students. Thus they provide a reliable instrument for getting to grips with various areas of Romance linguistic studies and encourage students to utilise their newly-acquired knowledge with integrated...
The Romanistische Arbeitshefte (Romance Studies Workbooks), edited by Georgia Veldre-Gerner and Volker Noll since 2004, have been constant...
Peter Blumenthal Giovanni Rovere Christoph Schwarze
Over the past few decades, the book series Linguistische Arbeiten Linguistic Studies], comprising over 500 volumes, has made a significant contribution to the development of linguistic theory both in Germany and internationally. The series will continue to deliver new impulses for research and maintain the central insight of linguistics that progress can only be made in acquiring new knowledge about human languages both synchronically and diachronically by closely combining empirical and theoretical analyses. To this end, we invite submission of high-quality linguistic studies...
Over the past few decades, the book series Linguistische Arbeiten Linguistic Studies], comprising over 500 volumes, has made a significan...
The book series Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur romanische Philologie, founded by Gustav Grober in 1905, is among the most renowned publications in Romance Studies. It covers the entire field of Romance linguistics, including the national languages as well as the lesser studied Romance languages.
The editors welcome submissions of high-quality monographs and collected volumes on all areas of linguistic research, on medieval literature and on textual criticism. The publication languages of the series are French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Romanian as well as German and...
The book series Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur romanische Philologie, founded by Gustav Grober in 1905, is among the most renowned publicati...
Le denominateur commun des contributions reunies ici est une certaine vision des processus evolutifs reperables dans les varietes du francais en Afrique. Une telle maniere d'observer et, dans la mesure du possible, d'expliquer les changements linguistiques survenus dans cette partie immense de la francophonie provient des recherches d'Ambroise Queffelec, maitre a penser de nombreux auteurs du present ouvrage. Les contributions sont dediees en hommage a cet ami, collegue ou directeur de these, decede en 2013. Elles reprennent et developpent les grands themes de ses recherches: contacts entre...
Le denominateur commun des contributions reunies ici est une certaine vision des processus evolutifs reperables dans les varietes du francais en Afriq...