We have an incredibly dynamic and loving relationship with Mother Earth. When we love, give and heal we co-create a new birth, a vortex, along with her. In Vortices and Spirals you will learn about this beautiful union, how you can nurture it to enhance your spiritual practice or become a better healer. In the journey you will develop a much deeper understanding of Mother Earth and come to see why the environmental crisis is also a crisis of our hearts.
We have an incredibly dynamic and loving relationship with Mother Earth. When we love, give and heal we co-create a new birth, a vortex, along with he...
Place matters. Sacred Sites in North Star Country tells how the land influenced the dramatic social changes that took place in greater New York State that shaped the world. It provides a listing of sacred sites to experience that consciousness.
North Star Country was the birthplace of the Women's Movement and American Democracy, as well as the home to America's Second Great Awakening. It has been called the Burned-over District for its spiritual wildfires and America's Psychic Highway. It is a place where prophets walked, religions were born and great souls lived--Harriet...
Place matters. Sacred Sites in North Star Country tells how the land influenced the dramatic social changes that took place in greater New...