Excitable media comprise a class of models for a wide range of physical, chemical, and biological systems that exhibit spontaneous formation of spatial patterns. Patterns in Excitable Media: Genesis, Dynamics, and Control explores several aspects of the dynamics of such patterns in particular their evolution upon interaction with structural and functional heterogeneities in the system.
The book provides readers with an introduction to recent developments in the interdisciplinary field of dynamics and control of patterns in nonlinear biological systems described by...
Excitable media comprise a class of models for a wide range of physical, chemical, and biological systems that exhibit spontaneous formation of spa...
There is considerable interest in the intrinsically multiscale structure and dynamics of complex electronic oxides. Taken from a workshop held in Trieste, this volume gathers experimental and theoretical work on these exciting developments in condensed matter physics and materials science.
There is considerable interest in the intrinsically multiscale structure and dynamics of complex electronic oxides. Taken from a workshop held in Trie...