Ever since F. Klein designed his "Erlanger programm", geometries have been studied in close connection with their groups of automorphisms. It must be admitted that the presence of a large automorphismgroup does not always have strong implications for the incidence-th- retical behaviour of a geometry. For exampl~ O. H. Kegel and A. Schleiermacher [Geometriae Dedicata 2, 379 - 395 (1974)J constructed a projective plane with a transitive action of its collineation group on quadrangles, in which, nevertheless every four points generate a free subplane. However, there are several important special...
Ever since F. Klein designed his "Erlanger programm", geometries have been studied in close connection with their groups of automorphisms. It must be ...
When looking for applications of ring theory in geometry, one first thinks of algebraic geometry, which sometimes may even be interpreted as the concrete side of commutative algebra. However, this highly de veloped branch of mathematics has been dealt with in a variety of mono graphs, so that - in spite of its technical complexity - it can be regarded as relatively well accessible. While in the last 120 years algebraic geometry has again and again attracted concentrated interes- which right now has reached a peak once more -, the numerous other applications of ring theory in geometry have not...
When looking for applications of ring theory in geometry, one first thinks of algebraic geometry, which sometimes may even be interpreted as the concr...