"An indispensable source book for anyone interested in Proudhon's ideas and the origins of the socialist and anarchist movements in nineteenth-century Europe."Robert Graham, editor of "Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas"
"Iain McKay's introduction offers a sure-footed guide through the misconceptions surrounding Proudhon's thought."Mark Leier, author of "Bakunin: The Creative Passion"
More influential than Karl Marx during his lifetime, Pierre-Joseph Proudon's work has long been out of print or unavailable in English. Iain McKay's comprehensive collection is a...
"An indispensable source book for anyone interested in Proudhon's ideas and the origins of the socialist and anarchist movements in nineteenth-cent...
Thank you for checking out this book by Theophania Publishing. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you soon. We have thousands of titles available, and we invite you to search for us by name, contact us via our website, or download our most recent catalogues. I AFFIRM the REALITY of an economic science. This proposition, which few economists now dare to question, is the boldest, perhaps, that a philosopher ever maintained; and the inquiries to follow will prove, I hope, that its demonstration will one day be deemed the greatest effort of the human mind. I affirm, on the...
Thank you for checking out this book by Theophania Publishing. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you soon. We have thousands of ...
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic, timeless works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic, timeless works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, af...
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic, timeless works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic, timeless works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, af...
"El principio federativo," de Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon fue un escritor, filosofo y politico revolucionario frances (1809-1865)"
"El principio federativo," de Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon fue un escritor, filosofo y politico revolucionario frances (1809-1865)"
Thank you for checking out this book by Theophania Publishing. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you soon. We have thousands of titles available, and we invite you to search for us by name, contact us via our website, or download our most recent catalogues. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon was a French politician, mutualist philosopher, economist, and socialist. He was a member of the French Parliament and the first person to call himself an 'anarchist'. He is considered among the most influential theorists and organizers of anarchism. After the events of 1848 he began to call...
Thank you for checking out this book by Theophania Publishing. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you soon. We have thousands of ...
Si j'avais le malheur de ne voir dans le capital que l'avantage de capitalistes, et de ne saisir ainsi qu'un cote, et, assurement, le cote le plus etroit et le moins consolant de la science economique, je me ferais Socialiste; car de maniere ou d'autre, il faut que l'inegalite s'efface progressivement, et si la liberte ne renfermait pas cette solution, comme les socialistes je la demanderais a la loi, a l'Etat, a la contrainte, a l'art, a l'utopie..."
Si j'avais le malheur de ne voir dans le capital que l'avantage de capitalistes, et de ne saisir ainsi qu'un cote, et, assurement, le cote le plus etr...
Publie en 1840, est le premier ouvrage majeur de l'anarchiste francais Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. Il traite du concept de propriete et de sa relation avec l'Etat, les ouvriers et l'anarchisme. Ce livre contient la citation celebre La propriete, c'est le vol . Proudhon declare: J'en ferai sortir la preuve irrefragable que la propriete, quand elle serait juste et possible, aurait pour condition necessaire l'egalite. Il adopte le mot mutuellisme pour decrire sa vision d'une economie composee d'individus et de syndicats democratiques qui echangeraient leurs produits sous la contrainte de...
Publie en 1840, est le premier ouvrage majeur de l'anarchiste francais Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. Il traite du concept de propriete et de sa relation ave...
Publie en 1846, Systeme des contradictions economiques ou Philosophie de la misere est une explication de la societe fondee sur l'existence de realites contradictoires. Ainsi la propriete manifeste l'inegalite mais est l'objet meme de la liberte, le machinisme accroit la productivite mais detruit l'artisanat et soumet le salarie. La liberte elle-meme est a la fois indispensable mais cause de l'inegalite...
Publie en 1846, Systeme des contradictions economiques ou Philosophie de la misere est une explication de la societe fondee sur l'existence de realite...