Once upon a time, there was a sweet cowgirl named Cindy Ellen, who lived with the orneriest stepmother west of the Mississippi and two stepsisters who were so nasty, they made rattlesnakes look nice But when a fast-talkin' fairy godmother teaches Cindy Ellen a little lesson about gumption, Cindy lassos first place at the rodeo and the heart of Joe Prince....
You may think you've heard the story before-but you'll get a side-splittin' bellyache after you're through with this hilarious rendition told Wild West-style
Once upon a time, there was a sweet cowgirl named Cindy Ellen, who lived with the orneriest stepmother west of the Mississippi and two stepsisters ...
Based on the true story of Lowell's grandmother, this acclaimed novel offers a a compelling look at life in early 20th-century California as it tells the story of a young girl struggling to find her place there. Includes an Afterword by the author. Illustrations. Map.
Based on the true story of Lowell's grandmother, this acclaimed novel offers a a compelling look at life in early 20th-century California as it tells ...
Everyone knows the story of the three little pigs, but now you are going to meet the three little javelinas - wild, southwestern cousins of pigs. Living in homes of built of tumbleweeds and cacti, the first two javelinas are soon running from the hungry coyote, who had hoped to eat them with red chili sauce. And where do they go for shelter? Why, to their wise sister, who made her house with strong adobe bricks.
Everyone knows the story of the three little pigs, but now you are going to meet the three little javelinas - wild, southwestern cousins of pigs. Livi...